Visually captivating, each card showcases vibrant illustrations by Deva Padma (Susan Morgan), who spent over four transformative years in the Osho meditation community under direct guidance. Her artistry is imbued with themes of sensitivity, intuition, compassion, creativity, and individuality, expressing the essence of Zen. Notably, the deck includes a special Master card, representing the transcendence of the ego and illuminating the journey toward true enlightenment.
Accompanying the deck is a meticulously crafted 176-page guidebook authored by Osho himself. This insightful resource enhances the user's experience, providing profound interpretations for each card while offering various spreads and a comprehensive Glossary of Symbols. It's designed to be beneficial for novices and seasoned practitioners alike, making it a versatile addition to any spiritual toolkit.
Measuring 7” x 4.5” for the box and 2.875” x 4.25” for the cards, this elegantly designed set is not only a practical tool for meditation but also a stunning piece of art. The Osho Zen Tarot invites exploration of the inner self, encouraging individuals to embrace the present and reflect on their life journey. This deck is more than just cards; it’s an invitation to embark on a transformative quest for spiritual awareness and self-discovery. With the Osho Zen Tarot, enlightenment is not just a destination, but a way of being.