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  • Mugwort - Organic
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    Mugwort - Organic


    For millennia, mugwort has been a source for flavoring beverages and food and has also been used for its beneficial properties. There is much traditional folklore surrounding the plant and it has been reported to encourage dreaming...

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  • Mistletoe - Organic 1oz
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    Mistletoe - Organic 1oz


    Viscum album is an evergreen plant that grows in deciduous trees. Partially parasitic, mistletoe forms clusters on treetops, drawing nourishment from its host. In traditional healing practices, mistletoe herb was often blended into formulas to synergize...

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  • Orris Root - Organic
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    Orris Root - Organic


    Native to the Mediterranean, Iris germanica is a rhizomatous member of the iris family with showy, dark purple flowers and sword-like leaves. The genus Iris is aptly named after the Greek goddess of the rainbow for its beauty and...

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  • Hyssop - Organic 1oz
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    Hyssop - Organic 1oz


    Hyssop is an evergreen, bushy perennial native to southern Europe. A member of the mint family, Hyssopus officinalis can be used sparingly as a spice or macerated as a unique flavor to liqueurs. The plant has a long history of folklore in...

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  • Eucalyptus Leaf - Organic
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    Eucalyptus Leaf - Organic


    Eucalyptus globulus is an evergreen tree native to Australia with leathery, aromatic, blue-green leaves. Eucalyptus is very fast growing and can reach towering heights. For thousands of years, Australian aborigines...

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  • Angelica Root - Organic 1 oz
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    Angelica Root - Organic 1 oz


    Angelica archangelica prefers northern latitudes and is widely distributed throughout Asia, Europe, and parts of the United States. This member of the Apiaceae family grows in damp soil, near running water, and along woodland edges. Angelica roots are...

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  • Yerba Santa - Wild Harvested 1 oz
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    Yerba Santa - Wild Harvested 1 oz


    Yerba Santa translates from Spanish to “sacred herb”, named by Spanish missionaries who were impressed with the plant’s beneficial qualities. Eriodictyon californicum is native to the southwest United States and northern Mexico. It is...

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  • Mullein Leaf - Organic .5 oz
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    Mullein Leaf - Organic .5 oz


    Verbascum thapsus is a fuzzy-leaved, herbaceous biennial in the Scrophulariaceae family. In its second year of growth, a flower spike emerges with bright yellow, densely clustered flowers. Although the plant is considered a weed that thrives in...

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  • Ginkgo Biloba Leaf - Organic Herbs
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    Ginkgo Biloba Leaf - Organic Herbs


    Ginkgo is an ancient tree and was once considered sacred in China. Its leaves are fan-shaped with two lobes and have a long history of use in Traditional Chinese Medicine for their healthful qualities. Our ginkgo powder is ground from organic Ginkgo...

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  • Sweet Cinnamon Powder - Organic
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    Sweet Cinnamon Powder - Organic


    Our organic sweet cinnamon powder has a soft and subtle flavor. It plays well when blended with a variety of other spices, achieving a depth and complexity of flavors within culinary recipes. Also known as Ceylon cinnamon, or true cinnamon, the bark from...

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  • Dandelion Leaf - Organic Herbs
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    Dandelion Leaf - Organic Herbs


    Taraxacum officinale has a long history of use worldwide as an edible food and restorative tonic. Dandelion leaves can be eaten fresh in spring, and the long taproot is dug for its beneficial properties in the fall. Our...

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  • Buckthorn Bark Organic
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    Buckthorn Bark Organic


    Buckthorn is a tall, deciduous shrub native to Europe, western Asia, and the Middle East. Historically used to dye textiles yellow, Frangula alnus also has a history of use for its beneficial properties. Our buckthorn bark has...

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